samedi 6 décembre 2014

Configurationmanager.refreshsection appsettings not working

Configurationmanager.refreshsection appsettings not working

Update: By.reloading. I mean refreshing ConfigurationManager. I know this is an old post but still: RefreshSection is not a method in WebConfigurationManager class. RefreshSection("appSettings") wasn.t working for me. It really sounds like you should be using appSettings and not applicationSettings. class then you should be using appSettings which is accessible via ConfigurationManager. Unfortunately it does not work this way either. Create the AppSettings section./ The function uses the GetSection(string) method/ to access the configuration section./ It also adds a new element to the.

AppSettings["somekey"] = somevalue. ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection(" appSettings"). however the value is nto refreshed, any ideas. 16 Oct 2012 C# Config Files: Problems with RefreshSection() in Mono You can see there.s a default section called �appSettings� which contains (in this.

21 Jan 2010 One of the most common issues people run into with WCF configuration, and. Configuration config = ConfigurationManager. So even though you changed the configuration file, not picking up on the appSetting.s new value. So by calling RefreshSection, telling the configuration API that. My problem is when I make a change manually to the CRDBLocation.config and RefreshSection("AppSettings") and ConfigurationManager.

C# - Reloading configuration without restarting

7 Mar 2009 Sure, you can get the keys by calling ConfigurationManager. file every time, but it.s probably not the most efficient way to do it. RefreshSection("AppSettings") to refresh the app settings keys. Yes thanks, Its working !. 30 Oct 2010 Configuration config = ConfigurationManager. AppSettings. build and editing app config manually prior to running unit test is not an option.


ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("appSettings") does not work and also tried explicitly opening the config file using OpenExeConfiguration but I. 14 Nov 2007 HI there: I have to modify the value of an item in appSettings ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["somekey"] = somevalue. 19 Apr 2012 and then consume it.s OnChange event to refresh/reload config values. WriteLine("Value before refresh: {0}", ConfigurationManager. 3: Issues: When run, if you modify the app.config in your program.s.

23 Jan 2012 Configuration config = ConfigurationManager. NOTE: The main problem is that it doesn.t work while debugging. 008, . 13 Apr 2008 RefreshSection("appSettings"). do not resfresh. my code is like that. Question: Configuration manager appsettings not working c# but the.

2 Oct 2012 Open the application configuration file and add the when the application is running (when you press CTRL+F5) you will not see If you do not use the RefreshSection method of the ConfigurationManager.

5 Dec. 2007 Le plus simple pour commencer est de travailler avec la section appSettings qui est geree par le ConfigurationManager. C.est une section ou. 3 Dec 2013 but if i try to update the new value it not update but code executes AppSettings. Dim config As Configuration =ConfigurationManager. Some changes may also force IIS to recompile your website, which can cause user issues. and the access toolkit is written to de-cache and reload if the file has. Of course, this approach can certainly solve the problem, there is no other way to do that Delete the name, and then add the the new value appSettings. to read the new value should use ConfigurationManager RefreshSection to refresh.

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