Software Configuration Management
Software Configuration Management is a project function with the goal to. Outline of a Software Configuration Management Plan (SCMP, IEEE 828-2005). 1 IEEE Std 828. This standard is similar in format to IEEE Std 730, but deals with the more limited subject of software configuration management. The standard. Document Title: Software Quality Assurance Plan Template. Tracking. 3.19 Task: Evaluate Configuration Management Process 3-. IEEE Std 982.1-1988, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software, June 1988.Die Definition IEEE 828 Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans IEEE 1042 (Reaff 1993), IEEE Guide to Software Configuration Management. Outline of a Software Configuration Management Plans. Standards (Example: IEEE 828-1990). IEEE 1042: Guide to Software Configuration Management.
[This Small Software Project Management Plan template is designed to facilitate IEEE Std 828-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management.
IEEE Std 1058-1998 Guidance: (Subclause 5.1.1) Estimation plan. Configuration management mechanisms shall include change control procedures and a. 1 This Project Management Plan template is designed with reference to the IEEE. Example IEEE software project management plan (SPMP) All changes to the project management plan must be. 7.1 Configuration management plan. List all documents that support this test plan. Refer to the actual version/release number of the document as stored in the configuration management system.
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