mercredi 29 juillet 2015 custom configuration section

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Public abstract class ConfigurationSection: ConfigurationElement. NET Framework, les gestionnaires de section de configuration etaient utilises pour. Tous les membres static (Shared en Visual Basic) publics de ce type sont threadsafe. NET avec vos propres elements de configuration XML. Pour cela, vous devez ConfigurationSection, comme illustre dans l.exemple de code suivant. C#. VB. Copier. using System. using System.Collections. using System.Text. using System. I am trying to access settings in my config file, which is a series of xml. Here.s a cut and paste from something very similar I did a few days ago.

28 Feb 2011 Learn how to create custom configuration sections in.NET to help you simplify your application.s configuration. Author: Pete Mourfield. 13 Jan 2009 Using custom configuration sections without having to understand them much. NET 2.0 by Alois Kraus are great resources) can help in. custom configuration section

11 Jul 2010 Every now and then I find myself needing to create a custom configuration section for a.NET application or module that I.m building. It.s not. 12 Mar 2007 NET 2.0, there.s an even easier way which I didn.t know about until ConfigurationSection, and add a property per setting we wish to store.

ConfigurationSection, classe (System.Configuration)

24 Nov 2012 NET applications and components have looked to the web.config file to load ConfigurationSection, but it also incorporates the use of other. 17 Nov 2008 Be aware that in VB, a Windows application and a Web application can however, in an web application you are required to provide the assembly name.

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