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Wind buffeting definition
Define buffeting. buffeting synonyms, buffeting pronunciation, buffeting translation, English To force one.s way with difficulty: a ship buffeting against the wind. Definition of �buffeting�, The official Collins English Dictionary online. ( transitive) to knock against or about. batter the wind buffeted the boat. ( transitive) to. Buffeting. See definition in Oxford Advanced Learner.s Dictionary someone or something: the roofs have survived the buffeting of worse winds than this.
Define buffet: a blow especially with the hand�usage, synonyms, more. The strong winds buffeted the ship. . buffeting meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also.buffing. buffet.buff. 4 verb If something is buffeted by strong winds or by stormy seas, it is.

Buffeting: Present participle of buffet. And as it went through the wind sheer remember, I came up, tried to Words that contain this word in their definition. 31 Flutter. 3.2 Buffeting. 3.3 Transonic Aeroelasticity In 1947, Arthur Roderick Collar defined aeroelasticity as "the study of the mutual. Wind Engineering 37.
Buffeting - definition of buffeting by The Free Dictionary
And Android apps. Noun: buffeting bu-fu-ting "Winds buffeted the tent". knock about, batter ·. Strike, beat repeatedly "The wind buffeted him". - buff. Derived. 19 Jun 2008 I have read quite a bit about VS buffeting but have been unable to find a good definition. Does the buffeting apply to wind coming off the wind.
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