Configurationmanager.getsection namevaluecollection
GetSection returns ConfigurationSection. ConfigurationManager.GetSection returns object. So, how do I get back my NameValueCollection. Public void samplemethod() { NameValueCollection nvc = ConfigurationManager GetSection("procedureList") as NameValueCollection. string[]. 16 Mar 2008 2) Also add this parent section into the GetSection call like in: NameValueCollection settings = ConfigurationManager.
28 Jan 2009 Then use NameValueCollection to handle settings. See ConfigurationManager GetSection example below. Note: Tested in.NET 4.0 and 2.0. 12 Feb 2011 NameValueCollection settings = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("Company. appSettings") as NameValueCollection. if (settings !.
Addin.config". Configuration addInConfig = ConfigurationManager. GetSection ("ImpersonationSettings") as NameValueCollection. string. GetSection config = (NameValueCollection)ConfigurationSettings. How do I change to use ConfigurationManager.GetSection to achieve.
.Net - How do I get the values from a ConfigSection
For client applications, this method retrieves a configuration file obtained by merging the application configuration file, the local user configuration file, and the. 1 Jul 2012 NameValueCollection nvc = (NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager. GetSection("groupInfo/sectionInfo1"). if (nvc != null) { for (int i = 0.
Backwards compatibility of System.Configuration.Configuration
31 Aug 2013 How to update (add, edit or remove) AppSettings and custom config sections GetSection("geoSettings/summary") as NameValueCollection. 17 Sep 2009 This can be easily related to element in the . but I cannot get the GetSection method to return anything other than NULL. Does this serverSection = (NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager. GetSection() and ConfigurationManager. GetSection() to retrieve the correct custom section, which uses. (NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager.28 Fevr. 2012 string mail = ((ContactSectionHandler)ConfigurationManager. que NameValueSectionHandler vous renverra une NameValueCollection. Private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NameValueCollection section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("Test") as NameValueCollection.
25 Sep 2012 GetSection( "ConnectionManagerDatabaseServers" ) as NameValueCollection. if (connectionManagerDatabaseServers ! Also, the ConfigurationManager class is in the System.Configuration namespace, so be sure you.
5 Dec. 2007 Exemple de lecture simple pour la section predefinie AppSettings. on va utiliser la methode GetSection en lui passant le nom de la section NameValueCollection section = (NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager. GetSection("auth"). string auth_login = (string)oneTag["login"]. string auth_password WriteLine()./name value collection section (the same as appSettings). GetConfig( "SectionGroup/Section" ) as NameValueCollection. in.Net 2.0. NameValueCollection nvc = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(.
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